You Go Green

Ten Ways You Can Conserve Energy

 Us kids can save the planet. Here are some easy ways to do your part:

  1. Turn off your stuff like your television, video games and any of your electronic games.  Always remember to turn out the lights when you leave a room.


  1. Play outside.  That way you don’t have to use anything that requires electricity.


  1. Check all the places in your house where energy can be escaping like windows or doors.  Let your family know what you find.


  1. One day a week, eat meat free.  Raising animals like cows, chickens or pigs uses more energy than growing grains and vegetables.


  1. Choose foods grown locally to save on the transportation and pollution that comes with importing food.


  1. Learn about smaller cars that use less energy and share the information with your family.


  1. Walk or use your bike, scooter, inline skates, roller skates or skateboard for transportation.


  1. Try to avoid having someone drive you to places.


  1. Write something or create a painting about what you love about nature.


  1. Write something or create a painting about what you love about nature.